Regulated activities for the plan Forslag til Natura 2000-plan 2016-2021 for Gilleleje Flak og Tragten Natura 2000-område nr. 195 Habitatområde H171 / Gilleleje Flak og Tragten

Regulated activityRegulation typeRegulation frequencyRegulation
land claim (permanent changes)regulatedrequires permityes
Navigation channelsregulatedrequires permityes
Coastal defence and flood protectionregulatedrequires permityes
Semi-permanent restructuring of seabed morphologyregulatedrequires permityes
Urban developmentsregulatedrequires permityes
Industrial developmentsregulatedrequires permityes
Tourism/leisure infrastructureregulatedrequires permityes
Ports and other coastal constructionsregulatedrequires permityes
Offshore marine infrastructure (including associated with mineral and energy extraction)regulatedrequires permityes
Cables & pipelinesregulatedrequires permityes
Extraction of oil and gasregulatedrequires permityes
Extraction of sand and gravelregulatedrequires permityes
Extraction of rock & mineralsregulatedrequires permityes
Extraction of saltregulatedrequires permityes
Extraction of water/desalinationregulatedrequires permityes
Renewable energy generation (wind, wave & tidal power)regulatedrequires permityes
Non-renewable energy generationregulatedrequires permityes
Fish & shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational)spatially regulatedpermanentyes
Marine plant harvestingregulatedrequires permityes
Hunting and collecting (for non-food purposes)regulatedrequires permityes
Aquacultureregulatedrequires permityes
Tourism, recreation and sportsregulatedrequires permityes
Research and surveyregulatedrequires permityes
Military useregulatedrequires permityes
Waste and material disposalregulatedrequires permityes
Waste water dischargeregulatedrequires permityes
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