Anser anser | Greylag goose | Birds | breeding | No | occasional monitoring program | public or parabuplic organization independently of the management structure | - | SIS | WORMS |
Charadrius hiaticula hiaticula | Ringed plover | Birds | breeding | No | occasional monitoring program | public or parabuplic organization independently of the management structure | NT | SIS | WORMS |
Halichoerus grypus | Grey seal | Mammals | resident | Yes | regular monitoring | scientists, universities in partnership with the management structure | LC | SIS | WORMS |
Larus canus | Mew gull | Birds | breeding | No | occasional monitoring program | public or parabuplic organization independently of the management structure | - | SIS | WORMS |
Melanitta fusca | Velvet scoter | Birds | breeding | No | occasional monitoring program | public or parabuplic organization independently of the management structure | VU | SIS | WORMS |
Somateria mollissima | Common eider | Birds | breeding | No | occasional monitoring program | public or parabuplic organization independently of the management structure | VU | SIS | WORMS |
Sterna hirundo | Common tern | Birds | breeding | No | occasional monitoring program | public or parabuplic organization independently of the management structure | - | SIS | WORMS |
Sterna paradisaea | Arctic tern | Birds | breeding | No | occasional monitoring program | public or parabuplic organization independently of the management structure | - | SIS | WORMS |